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3 maj 2024

Alt-shift strip couple

 Amanda and I were a young, newly married couple, we thought from it would only get better, but we were wrong. Alt-shifted happen, it swap us with a couple of strippers, Amanda ended up in Alonso's male body, and I, Brian, ended up in Mareen's female body.

Due to the fact that government considered it as illusion, we were supposed to take over the lives of our new bodies, we had no intention of doing it, but when we were threatened with being sent to "rehabilitation" as part of the "correction" us, we preferred not to tempt fate and despite ourselves, we had to take a new profession.  It wasn't easy for both of us, we had to stay up at night to learn all the moves so that we wouldn't be considered "incompatible". In time we succeeded, but we were still  far in experience to the abilities of the previous owners of those bodies.  We still made love to each other, and honestly sex in this body was a nice bonus. Plus I liked it too as my body is agile and athletic, same with Amanda who liked the muscles of her new body.

We're currently at the Preston Hotel pool where we're going to put on a show at a party for some rich young adults (or at least their bodies), party just like any other, although the money is good, and there are various ways to earn money on the side, both those known to strippers and another old "job".  Hey, just because we were married in previous bodies doesn't mean that in this ones we obliged to have only one partner for sex. That would be boring.

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Great Shift: Still Family