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3 maj 2024

Altshift: Cash Ana

John Anastom was a wealthy entrepreneur. After Altshift, he swapped bodies with some lowpaid worker, and hearing about the government's decision to force everyone to live in their new bodies, he decide went to his business partner hoping that he would help him. However, seeing a chance to get rid of his old partner Lanton, not only reported to the government about him, but also changed the papers saying that he's new body was a stripper under the name of Ana. When the services took the screaming John to the "repair" camp, this was the last time he saw John, but not his body.

Lanton often visits the strip bar where "Cash Ana" performs, it's crearly see that the camp served her "well", they even lowered her intelligence to the level Lanton entered in the files. Now Ana is barely able to remember anything expect sexy dancing and other, more erotic specializations. Which Lanton likes to use, even if they cost more.

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