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3 maj 2024

WarpedGreatshift: Swapped of roles


Maid POV:

Looking at my present situation, it's hard to believe that I was once Mrs. Juliet, the mistress of this house. However, after the Warped Great shift, I became nothing but an ordinary maid, Alba working for minimum wage. I can't even say my real identity. Every time I try, I actually say my maid's name. Or rather mine, it's been two years now and I actually got used to the new position and I doubt if I would be able to return to my old life, especially since the person in my old body made me her personal maid, I know her enough that I know what single her gesture means, she even gave me a raise, something that I never gave my maids when I was still Mrs. Juliet. Despite my initial fate and finding myself in the lowlands of society, I am grateful for such a good lady like new Mrs. Juliet and I am eternally loyal to her. But I sometimes wonder what happened to the real maid Alba.

Mistress POV

A lot has changed in my life after Warped Great shift. Somehow I found myself in my mistress's body. Initially, I was shocked, but quickly recovered, seeing it as an opportunity for social advancement. And besides, I couldn't tell anyone my true identity, Alba, the maid. I quickly started using my new status, feeling that I was on vacation for the first time in years. At the same time, I decided to take care of the person who was in my body and clearly did not know what to do as maid. Although it was not easy at first and there was even a possibility of dismissal her, thanks to my training, after some time she became one of the best, loyal and most accurate maids, she understands me well enough that she can understand what is going on with one gesture. The sight of her happy face when she got a raise made my heart warm. But I sometimes wonder what happened to the real Mrs. Juliet.

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