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3 maj 2024

Genderwave: From Footbal to Sooftball

 Leo was one of the best players on the high school footbal team, a star, he was doing so well that they could win the championship. Everything changed Gender Wave, not only changed the gender or names of everyone, but in many cases also their activities. In the case of Leo or rather Lara, instead of the soccer team, he became part of the women's sooftball team, which before Wave was not very good, and now it was propably even worse. While he thought he was lucky anyway, most of the soccer team became Cheerleaders, he avoid it. Unfortunately, it did not mean that it was good, quite the opposite. He was the best as a soccer player, but he was weak in sooftball, so that he could barely make up for the team. In addition, his new persona was more concerned with the appearance and the way she looks in a tight-fitting outfit. Pretty soon his firm butt became the most slapped in the school as well, and making it worse his new body seemed to like it. Despite these adversities, he decided not to give up and got in a grip with the whole team, quite quickly thanks to regular training they managed to improve their quality so that they made several promotions in the league, and although they were far from the top, they were not the worst either. In regular life, he also managed to stabilize, she even found a boyfriend, a former cheerleader who took his place as a footbal star.

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