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3 maj 2024

Great Shift On Turi: Elven marriage

 "O right, get to the f***ing point with this boring ceremony. And get to the point what everyone expects for thr f**k god sake" said the Matriarch Siphanien, from her new male dwarven body. During the Greatshift, chaos broke out in the United provinces elven tribes of Gridever . Especially when the leader, Matriarch Siphanien disappeared. Fortunately, she was found after a few weeks, in Sharam, the capital of the Khatharb principality, dwarfs country. Unfortunately, it seemed that the new body and being among the dwarves had influence for her, she had become much more vulgar, prone to fights, insults and other antics. In short, she became the stereotype of the Dwarf. Or at least that was what she wanted to them think, in fact, from the very beginning, since childhood, she distinguished herself with her behavior among elves, unfortunately being a princess and then a Matriarchine imposed on her certain obligations and protocols to which she had to adapt, like always walk in an airy dress, speak calmly and without insults, follow protocol and etiquette when it comes to behavior. She was always tired of it, but she also knew that she had to stick to her duties. And when the Greatshift showed up, she was given an excuse to keep sticking to her responsibility to rule the country and not stick to a rigid protocol. However, to maintain the certainty that the elven power in the union was still in rule by blood, it was decided that she would receive the title of prince consort, when she married person in her old body in this case in Matriarch body was for luck, her old childhood friend Renna and who she has a long crush on Siphanien, for real Siphanien who had to be hiding under the mask of elven ruler. So it was a win, win situation.

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