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3 maj 2024

Great Shift: Lost faith

"Isn't that Pastor Marlin?" Edward's wife asked
"It was a pastor, but since Great Shift,, the church doesn't allow women to be pastors so she not anymore part of church" Edward replied.
His still has cold feet at the sight of the former pastor. He remembers when he swap bodies with her husband during the Greatshift and running to the pastor for advice, meanwhile pastor swapped bodies with a local beauty.
They do not know who started, they only know that it was hot and pleasant. After that, Marlon left the church to redefine God. He also changed his name to Marina. Despite the passage of time, faith has still not been regained. On the contrary, he only lost it even more faith. He/she didn't even go to church anymore, and the only thing that connected him with his previous life were crosses and medallions that he wore on his neck. But he hid from himself that he wore them mainly to look sexy because he discovered that it is much easier to find another male sucker trapped in his charm than to find God again.

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Great Shift: Still Family