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3 maj 2024

Alt Shift correction


Part 1
"I'm not Jennifer Nain, I am Antonicus Preston, son of Harold Preston," the masked woman tried to scream from behind the glass.
"As you can see, we have a big problem with her, she does not want to recognize her true identity, fortunately we have special "treatments" for this cases, but we need the help a some clowe person, like family or friend for make this correctly" said the official to Edward Nain.
"Of course, I understand, I'm already filling out the paper," said Edward, then continue to write, "Always loyal to her husband, she mostly dresses a ..."

Antonicus Preston, a playboy who slept with more girls a year than he was old and used to his father's wealth escape from troubles, refused to give up on adjusting a new body, sov was placed in a special facility to "help" him do so.
Unfortunately for him, his father's former rival landed in the body of his new body husband, and he decided not to waste a chance to take revenge on his former rival, although he himself disappeared, he would be happy to be satisfied with his son. Especially since Alt Shift was relatively kind to new Edward, although he lost a significant part of his fortune, he was still in the upper class and hoped that Harold was not so lucky.
Soon Antonicus will undergo special treatment in which efforts will be made to restore the body's former personality. He was about to be transformed into the kind of woman he most despised. By becoming completely obedient to her husband and fulfilling all his whishes.

Part 2
After a few months, Edward returned to the facility to pick up his "wife". What he saw exceeded his wildest expectations. He saw a girly girl woman, with a distinctly female grace touching the glass.
Antonicus has undergone numerous special measures to adjust it to his new form. Inctge nights, during sleep, he was let out subliminal messages designed to open him up to femininity. When the days passed on electroshocks which electrocute him every time he answered incorrectly like saying his previous name or birth date, and the same thing was done when he was given men's things, activities or even programs. In turn, during the lessons of female etiquette, clothes, TV programs and all the elements that allegedly were supposed to be part of Jessica according to her husband, then positive signals were sent to him. And so, after a few months, Jennifer Nain was ready to be picked up. And while she still remembered her masculine past as a wealthy playboy, the facility made her think these were just false memories from the time of the Great Hallucination/ Alt Shift.
"My dear husband, can we finally leave this place now, I would like to thank you for your patience when I had to be cured of my disease," said Jennifer with a distinctly feminine manner.
"Of course, my dearest," Edward replied, then went home with his new / old wife. Finally feeling the satisfaction of taking revenge on his rival, he hoped that Harold too, had landed in some bad body like his ex-son 

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Great Shift: Still Family