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3 maj 2024

Alt shift, Marriage 2


My husband and I entered to our apartment in the Preston hotel. It's hard to believe that I was in our old country again, though only as a guest for a few weeks, Sanjana Shivdasani is still an Indian citizen after all. We decided that we would travel to our hometown to see the place where we grew up for the last time for a long time, even this hotel where we have a summer job once, because there will be no time for it when it comes to raising the child, yes in the end we have made a decision to do it, we will not be younger and by some time we won't get the opportunity anymore. We gave our Latino maids very large tips, probably more than their weekly salary, and then dismissed them, wanting the apartment only for ourselves. The fact that we are planning to make babies only in India does not mean that we should deny ourselves the pleasure here. I only hope that the walls are soundproofed here.

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Stranded: Father and Daughter friend